Oh yes i told him he's a gentleman! But now theres a downvote so im not going to show this to him after school:( thats just wrong i shouldnt have done it. They could of just skipped it it sure ain't going to the front page! I dont get it! Now im pissed you know? Im i wrong Doevil?
You are too sweet!!! Thank you :) My mom knew she was dying and got me to get a gift in April and wrapped it herself! She just passed away a few months ago, so he will be shocked and surprised and emotional! Despite downvotes he'll have a great b day! Thank u very much!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your mother, you have me and my family's condolences, I still.have my mother I don't want to think about the inevitable but as long as you have her memory with you she'll be with you! Maybe this is a good time for a lesson about some people do mean things for no reason. Of course I'd never tell you how to parent(i think you understand where I'm going) but I used a situation like this for one of those "life lessons", just merely a suggestion! ;)
Many, many thanks!!! She was my best friend- an amazing mother.She as well as my dad sacrificed so much for me, 2 older brothers, and sister. She was terminal and was 61 when she died.
If you dont like this meme i just did it for my 6 year old child turning 7 today people. I allow him sometimes to look at the memes with me and ive upvoted several that he loved. Appreciate you dont like a mom making one for her son!! Hope your day goes well. Now im not going to show this to him after school he would be heart broken.
You have my vote on it!! I think that's so cool you made it for him!! Then you both can say together as father and son "Aint got time for that!!" Lol XD
Sorry I knew that, I've been jumping between 10 different people''s conversation that I knew I was bound to do that, I'm so sorry about that! When I make.a.boo boo, I make big! Go big or go home they say!! :)