Lol, my college calculus class is filled with people asking dumb questions. We were reviewing the unit circle and my teacher wrote the point (x,y) as just a random point and someone asked where the x and y came from. Like, are you freakin stupid?!
Do you mean they were asking who came up with using x/y(those specific letters) for variables? Because that's not really stupid. I'm kind of curious as to who came up with that and why x and y and not other letters/symbols. :l
In college once the math teacher explained a simple concept and this black chikc raised her hand and asked him a question about something he had just told her. Like he said x=y and she asked what does x equal? So he said "That's something that MATH people ask" and I bust up laughing because I could see his passive aggressive racism in his answer. What he was really saying is "That's something that BLACK people ask." ROFL I gave her the Downey look before laughing though. lol :l