Iran has become a big scapgoat, especially for republic**ts, to point the finger at and scream "terrorist"! Its all part of playing both sides against the middle. Irsael is said to be "part of the free world", while Iran is part of the opposite "opposing" side. This is NOTHING BUT A FALSE FRONT AND GIANT LIE MEANT TO TRICK GENTILES! Contrary to what some idiots believe, there are no laws that forbid Jews from living in Iran today. There are even a couple handfuls of Kikes in that Countries national gov't. Both Jews of the Marxist stock and JEws of the Orthodox stock are on the SAME SIDE! Also, Obama never said, "we shall let Iran created all the nukes they want!" in fact, there are a number of UN policies backed by the president and many in his cabinet. that say hat Iran is allowed to use Nuclear energy/technology for things like powering homes and businesses, but as for nuclear bombs and related weaponry, there are policies that impose restrictions that at the very least are severe in nature.