More blah blah blah...
You literally cannot insult me, get a rise out of me, nothing. I'm far more amused that you only have teenage "insults"... There's nothing original in your posts. It's like you are just copy and pasting from the book of boring insults. Try something new, or are you not smart enough to think of something.
I've got one....
You are not worth the two cents your mother was paid the night you were conceived. (It's funny... cause it's true).
Maybe you should be smart enough to understand memes (your stupidity keeps coming through, it's not "meme's") and not comment when you don't.
By the way, I truly believe that calling me a bitch is a compliment. Keep 'em coming.
Oh, you're wrong. I know how to spell and properly use grammar. The moron here is definitely you (another thing you should be used to by now).
Plus, my ass is 10 times as smart as you.
Another childish, unoriginal "insult". You are so ignorant that you don't even realize that eggs aren't "laid" from a chicken's ass. Of course, considering how dumb you are, no one should expect anything less.
You should adopt, it's better than buying... Puppy farms are horrendous.
Added note... I don't care if you wanted a bitch or not, it's irrelevant as I will never be anything close to being "your bitch".
So, you agree with me, about what I'm not sure, but you said that is right to something I posted... Finally, the brain cell in your head began to work (although, it's supposed to be "that's").
No need to apologize to me. I'm told how beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful I am on a daily basis.
By the way, congrats on learning copy and paste. Since then, your spelling has improved.
Of course you're not gay! You don't have the class, intelligence, or looks to be gay. I wouldn't offend the gay community by suggesting you were part of it.
Oh, and another mom joke? Pick better sites to get your material from.
Oh, a new tactic... boring really... a computer would have far fewer spelling and grammatical errors. Just give up, you commented "dumb" on the wrong image.
I've never "acted" like I know everything. I only know that I know more than you. Provable by the fact that I can think for myself, unlike you who have to steal lines in order to say anything at all. You literally have yet to express a single, original thought.
Here's the thing... YOU are on MY image. YOU do not get to tell ME to do anything (although you keep trying). I've already told you that if you can't handle having your ass handed to you, stop commenting on MY image.
The only suggestion I've given on your life is to get a clue, and perhaps try to think for yourself. But, if you'd rather be an ignorant sheep (and all evidence points that way), just continue with what you're doing and move along.
I'll write this is a language you understand... Baa baa
Blah blah blah... A winey little dick like you (I'll not insult bitches by calling you one) should know all about diapers and being full of shit... Besides, you keep talking to me, you're the one obsessed with me... I guess you just can't get enough.