1. Oh, yeah? Where does your milk come from? A magical source where they don't need to impregnate the animal to get it, separate it from its young, kill the young because it's cost-inefficient to raise them, and then doesn't slaughter the mother for food when it no longer can give milk? Please cite, I'm dying to hear this one.
2. "Or you should stop, for example, playing football just because some balls are made by underage wrokers..?" ---You can play football without a ball containing animal products or exploiting unfair wages--- but, it's not as if these "unfair wages" come from a country that have a security net for their people. They're typically better off with these so-called "unfair wages" (where their money goes further) than with nothing at all. Your argument (when correctly premised) more accurately reflects the comparison of drinking milk to drinking a milk substitute.
3. "If you don't milk a cow, her boobs explode."
-Yeah? There are other ways to avoid her boobs exploding. Two I can think of off the top of my head: let her young feed on them, don't forcibly impregnate her... You know... Humane shit like that.
"Vegans are blinded extremists."
-Really? Because you seem to be the one tailoring your arguments to your convenience and self-image. But, way to typify.
Also, I can think of a handful of vegans with more than enough reason to talk shit about their veganism who don't do it... Johnny Depp, Mac Danzig... Woody Harrelson...
But, please, tell me this magical process by which your milk is extracted "ethically" (RE: no forceful insemination, no separation of mother from her young, no slaughter of the mother when she's given out, no slaughter of the calf when it is separated, and somehow manages to gather the cow's consent throughout the process).
I'm waiting...