Allow me to explain. I am studying in Internet Retardation so this should be easy.
Being that you are about twelve years old and like Five Nights at Freddy's, most users would typically downvote this because most of the Internet is just judgemental neckbeards in their mothers' basements.
There is a special fanbase on the Internet, one that has started very recently due to the popularity given to it's base game. It spawned out of the autistic group call the Markiplier and Pewdiepie fans.
This is the Five Nights at Freddy's fanbase.
Ever since Pewdiepie and Markiplier played the first game, it became widely popular among the already cringy "Bro Army."
The fanbase consists mostly of twelve year olds and prepubescent teenagers with nothing else to do but draw porn and write gross fanfics about the game series. These kids would go insane if anyone ever said anything bad about Five Nights at Freddy's. The fanbase is considered to be beyond the cringe level of the Minecraft fanbase, but not as cringy as the Sonic fanbase and My Little Pony fanbase. Those who would try to say that FNaF wasn't really that great of a game are usually immediately bombarded by autistic kids who are obsessed with the game. They will usually insult and harrass the "haters" of Five Nights at Freddy's.
So, due to this, most sane Internet users who see a twelve year old who likes FNaF usually cringe and assume that the person is as cringy as most of the fanbase.
TL;DR: the fnaf fanbase is one of the cringiest group of people of all time and most of it is the equivalent to a gay orgy