You have a fair point. The problem is that Congress doesn't want to work with the president, I mean...its safe to say that they were lobbied to do so. I find it absurd that they are unwilling to compromise on the behalf of the people. I support Universal healthcare to all, but that being too expensive to the taxpayer, we make healthcare affordable. I see that as a compromise, and that is what our democracy was founded on.
I feel that congress has a job to do, but if they aren't going to get actual work done, then how are problems going to get fixed. I see it as both the Judicial's fault, and as Congresses fault. We want to try to get things done, but congress won't do it...that doesn't mean that the court can just change it whenever.
I also find it absurd that a cartoon (see meme) depicts our democracy better than our actual government. Even though we live in a republic, I do feel that we all have a part in our government