ok here we go
open imail
open imail preferances
go to add rule
name it as you wish
click plus button at right side
the tab below the "any recipient" tab change to "subject" if not "subject already, and change the tab at right to "is equal to"
type your subject (this will be your trigger word for your program, make it unique to each program)
go below to "perform the following actions"
change tab to "run applescript"
change next tab to "open in finder"
now look for your script in the finder window and double click, if that doesnt work then drag your script onto that finder window, close it, then mess with that tab again. it should reveal the script you dragged into that finder window earlier.
click ok
make sure the check box to left of new rule is checked
send a mail with trigger word as your subject
wait for it xD
i suggest you try a simple applescript test dummy like the rick roll to make sure the imail remote bug works, but this only works if target has their email set up to their imail and the imail is active (as in he used the imail maybe once before, therefore making it live for any new messages). thats the only catch. pick one script of the list and i will send you instructions for your enjoyment. goodnight for now though.