You are actually the one who would not know about politics. I support the president because he is committed to the people, not to lobbying corporations such as Koch, Big oil or himself. I am a democrat & a christian because I have compassion for people that may not be able to support themselves due to the economy. I also am against privatization of government services such as hospitals, the police and our roads. I am not willing to pay a premium just to profit some asshole with a monopoly that is in charge of a public service.
You are the politically incorrect one, probably just some 10 year old that lives in a republican family that only watches propaganda assholes like O'Riley, Hannity or Limbaugh? I live in Arizona and voted for Obama twice and I'd do it again. Fact is, the most people that voted for Obama were middle and low class people in Blue states like California, New York, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, and Maryland...States that all have booming business, while red states like Michigan, Arizona, Alabama and Arkansas are losing much of the private sector.