My comment was originally kind of an inside joke about click to show comments.
Coincidentally there was a site change that occurred about the same time. There used to be a "BBCode" option in the Share button where the click to show address could be copied for all images including gifs.
Now the BBCode is gone, but you can still find the click to show address for most images on Imgflip in the "ImageHTML" option.
click to show addresses can still be manually made for gifs, they will still work. The reason the embed code for gifs is displayed in the share button by default has to do with site bandwidth. It is more efficient for Imgflip to display animated gifs via the embed link than by click to show.
No harm in Imgflip users doing click to show the old way, just a few extra steps. The new configuration in the Share button just steers those who share towards the new more efficient method.