I'm learning (LEARNING) MSPaint --- so if I ever do another one it will be much better quality.
23 memes (or their parts) are listed below along with their location (that's a spoiler alert)
1. Yo dawg (bottom left)
2. Old lady at computer (far left)
3. Bad luck Brian (far mid-left)
4. Y U no (upper far left chalkboard)
5. Grumpy cat (mid-left chalkboard)
6. World's most interesting man (Dos Equis, mid-left)
7. Leonardo Dicaprio Cheers (picture frame, bottom left)
8. Girl running (mid-bottom)
9. But That's None Of My Business (tea cup, center)
10. Confession Bear (leaning on cat's shoulder)
11. Awkward Moment Sealion (floating in jar, mid-center)
12. Pepperidge Farm Remembers (cookie box, mid-center)
13. Chemistry cat (top mid chalkboard)
14. Unhelpful High School Teacher (top right)
15. No time (spelled on chalkboard, mid-right)
16. Third World Success Kid (beaker, right)
17. Weird Stuff I Do Potoo (leaning on bear)
18. Philosoraptor (mid-right)
19. Joseph Ducreux (right)
20. High Expectations Asian Father (beaker, mid-right)
21. You The Real MVP (corner)
22. X..Everywhere (Woody, bottom front)
23. X all the Y (Banner, top)