Dragon ball evolution is, in short, a phenomenal film.truly the absolute pinnacle of human creation, It is a beauty to behold for the mind, the ears, and the eye. Everything pales in comparison to this work of art. Better than "The Godfather" in every way. Makes "Lawrence of Arabia" look like "Birdemic". At the end, I cried through the ending credits because of the beauty of the ending. The film's acting makes Daniel-Day Lewis' work seem pathetic. The realism packed into the performance of the complex character Piccolo really affects the audience emotionally. This movie makes me hate Scorsese, "Goodfellas", more like "Badfellas"! "Taxi Driver", more like "BADxi Driver"! Don't get me started on "Raging Bull"...
The film ranks up with films like "Citizen Kane" and "Casablanca" in its excellence! Federico Fellini and Ingmar Bergman must be crying that they didn't accomplish a collaboration to make this film. "The Seventh Seal" is so bad compared to this, I mean where were the seals! I'm serious, that movie is really bad.
The plot is beautiful it has me gripping my seat for the full length of the runtime every time that it blesses my screen. It has no holes, despite my scanning of the movie's script for any form of inconsistency or plot fallacy. The plot twist of Goku being Oozaru was the greatest ever seen in cinema on a level that has never been seen before.
It is both an original and a clever homage to some of history's greatest films. It is a pioneering achievement in the art of filmaking, one that shall never be surpassed. This film will draw you in, and it will touch you. It will make you feel a powerful range of emotions which you have never felt before. You will laugh, and you will cry. You will rage, and you will fear. You will be sick to your stomach. You will ultimately feel a satisfaction unmatched by that which you have already experienced.
Dragon ball evolution is more than just a movie. It's a personal experience, an experience that will change your vision of life.. The characters were realistic and beautifully written. The protagonists are the greatest to ever grace the big screen I felt like I knew them. Nay; I KNEW them. While I was watching the film, I considered them my closest friends. Their struggles, although foreign, were also relatable. As I watched them overcome their fears and their prejudices in order to save the day, they taught me that I, too, could be the hero. It made me rethink everything I thought I knew about society,