No. I will not.
I made a valid point and all you did was concentrate on my spelling.
The last air-to-air kill was in 2019, fought between Pakistan and India.
Today, most ACM’s occur miles from each other utilizing missiles. Aircraft today having closing speeds in excess of 1500 mph, making the classic “dogfight” depicted on your Iron Maiden art impossible.
You said you always supported my memes & I don't believe you.
I have a few more pts to hit a million & I have other stuff to do, sir.
Av, Sobr, BFF & CH1 all figured it out.
Aaaaaand on this meme specifically. Hacking on it.
Anything else ?
I have no idea what you are going on about.
Points, that’s your goal? Ok, whatever. What does that have to with the topic at hand?
I see no comment here on THIS meme from AV, Sobr, BFF, or CH1, so why did you drag them into this?