Again, you're wrong. The no true Scotsman doesn't apply here because I'm not just making up what a definition of what "communist" is, but it in fact comes directly from Marx and Engles himself.
As for cellphone tech, nice get out you just invented there! "BUH THEY NEVA HAD A COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE MODEL WITH A 50% MARKET DOMINANCE!!!". LOLLLL
The first concept of a mobile phone system was proposed by Leonid Kupriyanovich, a Soviet engineer, in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He developed several experimental mobile phones, including a 1961 prototype called the "Altai" system, which was a mobile radio-telephone used in cars.
Soviet scientist Alexander Popov is credited with inventing one of the earliest radio receivers in the 1890s... Marconi did it in 1895.
Feel free to come back to me with some more ChatGPT responses later on.
As for your stupid yes or no question, YES but only if the rich get in the way of the revolution in ANY way. If they try and resist, or want to exploit people like they did before, then they get the swift SLINGGGG of the guillotine.
How about a question for you: YES OR NO! Are you okay with free markets causing, directly and indirectly, widesrpead, poverty, misery and death?