Yeah that's the attitude. 3 point Calvinists act human since they reject the nuanced Gnostic Limited Atonement belief. 4 point can still be a bit smug but not always. 5 pointers are insufferable and cold and believe they were made for heaven and the rest of the world was made for Hell. The "Reformed Theology 5 point Calvinist preachers like John MacArthur, now deceased R. C. Sproul, John Piper, Voddie Baucham, James White, Paul Washer etc say so many things real Christians have wanted to hear a pastor have enough balls to say publicly for years which makes guys like them even more dangerous than Copeland, Warren, Olsteen, Beth Moore, and works only extreme Arminians, Catholic/Orthodox etc. More likely to go to hell if one goes to church nowadays with all the heresy and legalism. This doctrine puts God's sovereignty on top which screws with a Christian's reverence & torments them into thinking they don't really revere God so it is subtly dangerous. They worship God's sovereignty rather than God Himself, blaspheme His character & dehumanize everyone else & almost seem to revel in the idea of God making most, including babies, children & mentally disabled for Hell for "His good pleasure." I hate this with a passion for its ghoulish assault on God and man. Most of these people are just brainwashed but still insufferable.🤢