See, this is why I'm a Brave browser user. No matter what YouTube tries to pull they just keep fighting the good fight against greed and ensure that YouTube's bs never goes unchecked.
Cause we all know damn well that now that YouTube is trying to pull a cable-tv and force you to watch several unskippable 30 sec+ long ads in a row, if enough people decided to just mass exodus it would completely kill YouTube as a platform. It would ruin a TON of careers, granted, but we all know that YouTube already does that on their own.
I never liked Susan Wojcicki (rip to her these days I guess, she passed from lung cancer in Aug 2024), but good god did she do an infinitely better job with YouTube than the current guy they have as CEO. Even if it's the fault of some Board of Directors, the CEO should really know that they are the one who will likely take the blame for everything anyway and should actively be trying to temper the crappy policies like YouTube's anti-adblocker to ensure that the people never have to suffer like that.