Want to FULLY realize how bad the MSM is?! Try to find ANY news story revealing the name of this $1B program!
Its highlights:
1. Like all failed local- and state-level programs run by democrats, Eric Adams' failed effort to force vegan lunches onto the kids in NYC had to be taken nationwide.
2. Naturally, a bottomless pot of taxpayer money was provided by "Team Biden."
3. Local farmers-market people, who are family farmers, were encouraged to apply. They were promised program payments and premium prices for EVERYTHING they produced, plus $11,000 for everyone entering the program, just for being selected.
4. None of the farmers-market people were selected.
5. Local democrat party apparatchiks were selected, after forming new LLCs (becoming "local farmers," as opposed to "family farmers") and applying, no farming experience needed, no ability to produce food needed. Each was given $11,000 with their approved application.
6. Using the list of real producers from step 3, "local farmers" contacted the "family farmers" and offered to buy their products at bargain-basement prices, typically lower than what they'd earn at farmers markets.
7. The "family farmers" refused.
8. Step 6 was repeated, this time with promises of more money than farmers market earnings. Because, hey, the program would pay so much that the "local farmers" could buy high and sell even higher.
9. As far as I know, the "family farmers" still refused.
10. So the "local farmers" said, f*ck you, we'll just buy from grocery stores and distributors!
All for mostly "organic" (another scam) vegetables which were to be foisted upon people who didn't especially want them. But as always, wasteful government spending was the real point of it all!
Again, name that $1B program!
But remember, the $1B was just the beginning of it!