ac me vs sicer
Sivler: ehy loser
me: shut the f**k up dick head
silver: i can ban for this
me: *eyes tun red* NO YOURE CANT
silver; * Scared, but is act tough because is scared* yes im can
me: I am not breaking. RULES.
silver: you are
me: f**k your rules then BITCH
me: *is punch silver*
Silver: *is ban me*
me: *unban self with phonk powers*
phonk: **INTENSIFIED**
m,y rizz: INFINITY
my noradrenaline: INFINITY
me: *enters berserk rage mode*
me: *goes into my ultimate trollge angel of death form*]
silver: *start shacing from scared*
me: *grin evilly* now YOU ARE PAY FOR SINS..
me: *summons my evil sword of demonic*
me: *slice siver in halfe*
me: I Am win. *Ugoes super saiyan 5 an brakedances*
THE END!!!! thank for reading