Atari runs a school for robots and cyborgs called Cyber Academy
Often times young robots are bullied in larger schools, so he felt that making a school where they can meet others like them would help with that. It also helps that he deals with bullies himself.
His school also has plenty of equipment to repair any injury or system bug
If you're wondering who the teachers at this school are, they're... him. Usually there aren't too many students so he can usually manage all of the classes on his own because he can make holograms with his multi claws, however if he has to leave for something he trusts the work to his assistant Teal, who he found deactivated and repaired her. She cleans up around the school, and occasionally acts as a substitute as I previously mentioned.
It's not all sunshine and rainbows though.
He may or may not have committed a few war crimes during the inkperial era and inkperious eon, causing assassins to be sent to kill him.
Their attempts haven't exactly gone well.
Bullets? Ineffective. Dodged, caught, or bounced off.
Explosives? Often noticed before activated or thrown out a window at extreme speeds before they detonate.
Did I forget to mention he can break the sound barrier?
The only effective method they've had to even scratch him required them to completely immobilize him, but even that was difficult because they needed several gallons of liquid nitrogen just to keep him still for 30 seconds. He is now extremely careful around doorways in case they do another "ice bucket prank"
But, even knowing that there are still stubborn ones which try bullets and explosives anyway, often ending in a student being harmed by the ricochet or debris. Wanna know what happens to those assassins? Well... let's just say there's a reason that the nearest hospital has some especially mangled patients.
He is extremely protective of his students, though he only attacks the assassins if they deserve it. He doesn't like to harm anyone. Shoot, punch, and kick him all you want, but if you harm, let alone kill one of his students... Good luck.