so you're saying is kids who have so many creative, amazing ideas are cringe because they use that website?
I've played some mind-blowing stuff on there.
(to be honest i was not meant to send that to you. was meant to send it to lil kitten)
thats nice. i havent used it in a while. whats the current "meta" still platformers?
i persume the art in question is not quite the same as your other art.
i have not used scratch for quite some time. this is bcause i can use python for texted base things. and if i were to make a thing that uses sprites i would just sit down and learn godot.
yeah. that is nice.
i was refering to how it does not understand what it means when my cat is on my keyboard.
all i can do in the instance of an invalid input is ask again and get angery.
my ex knows how to use the test function.