Basically, Late into the Invasion of Ukraine, A 2nd Russian Revolution happens. As a result of this, Russia spits in two with the West being Ukraine occupied, and the East being run by a Managed Democratic Regime. The United States at first Allied with the newly formed Eastern nation of Demetrya, giving the nation weapons, vehicles and supplies. The nation then ruthlessly attacked an American Cargo ship transporting Nuclear Weapons to South Korea because the Korean Nations were at high tensions. These nuclear weapons are stolen, and must be retrieved by the United States' best Task Force. The 666th Tactical Fireteam, or Devil Squad. Soon, Demetryan Forces invade the Koreas, not even trusting the North, they relentlessly take control of North Korea, and the South is in trouble. United States Forces are sent to Aid South Korea in this unholy conquest that is a United States wannabe's attempt at taking over the world. So as the Invasion of Ukraine ends, the Second Korean War begins.