Well, Disney's never giving you another movie in 2D traditional animation again. They're not going to listen to you and your fellow anonymous armchair quarterbacks who believe 2D traditional animation is better than 3D computer animation. The people who run The Walt Disney Company know what they're doing. They've kept the company in business since 1923. That's 102 years. Two-thirds of people who start their own businesses go out of business in ten years or less.
What have you done with your life? The answer to that question may sound impressive to your family members and your close friends, but if it doesn't sound impressive to Disney, they're not going to take your advice. If they wanted your advice, they'd ask for it.
Listen, if you want to see a brand-new 2D animated movie, don't ask Disney to make one for you. Focus your attention on companies that are actually making 2D animated movies. Warner Brothers is one such company. They have recently released "The Day The Earth Blew Up." Here's a review:
Spend your time and energy on people who will actually listen to you and on problems that can actually be solved and need to be solved.