long barrel- extends range greatly. some adsz shots from several meters away may hit and kill one shot.
light stock- greatly improvesz movement and ADS speed.
precision foregrip- feels more accurate
(optional) rapid fire- makes fire rate faster while sacrificing damage greatly.
this build is designed to be close-medium range. ideal for maps like streamline. feels amazing. might put slugs on when I unlock em.
alternate build- tf2 shotgun
short barrel- makes handling far faster at the expense of range and Ammunition
light stock- same thing but with damage
rapid fire- yk, it kind of fit ngl
this build is designed to look like the tf2 shotgun. it is not good but if you use it use it in that one map thats really just a buncha rooms of a hotel, and you can outplay the enemy or close distances quickly, its serviceable.