Xiao: A mere star that will fade cannot hope to best the light of the rising sun. Be prepared; for today, a Star of the City shall be gone.
Passive Abilities
At the start of each Scene, exhaust all pages in hand and deck; add new pages to hand. Their Cost becomes 0.
Nine Children of the Dragon
Dice Power +1.
At the start of the Scene, inflict 2 Burn on all enemies.
Pú Láo
When 'Pú Láo' is active, all characters are uninfluenced by any effect on Power for the Scene.
'Pú Láo' activates on the first Scene, and then activates every 2 Scenes.
Reverse Scale
Every Scene, uses a Combat Page that deals Stagger damage to self but grants Strength if it loses in a clash.
Stagger Resist is not fully recovered even if the character is restored from Stagger or an Act ends.
Bā Xià
Take no damage from Burn. When inflicted with a status ailment that isn't Burn, reduce the amount by half. (Rounded down, does not go below 1)
At emotion level 3, all dice gain +1 power
Force of a Wildfire
On a melee hit, inflict 1 Burn and 'Force of a Wildfire', a status that lasts 2 Scenes.
If an enemy with 'Force of a Wildfire' is Staggered, inflict all other enemies with Burn equal to half of the amount of Burn that enemy had. (Rounded down)
Hugging Fire, Sitting on Brushwood
When targets hit by melee attacks from this character take Burn damage at the end of the Scene they were attacked, they also take Stagger damage equal to half of the Burn damage.
As high as a mountain may be, it ultimately rests beneath the sky.