Them - "You MAGA treat Trump like a king!"
Me - "You're the ones who make memes that make Trump look like a king not us. . .unless we do it in a way to trigger you hypersensitive brats."
Them - "You MAGA compare Trump to a god!"
Me - "A small number of crackpots probably do and the rest of us tell them to stop doing that kind of thing out of fear of offending the true God."
Them - "You MAGA and Trump are the Nazis!"
Me - "The real Nazis were about big government and stripping away people's God Given Right like the Right To Bare Arms. . .and it's the dems/leftists who try and strip people of their Rights while making government way larger than it should be."
Them - "You MAGA are homophobic/islamophobic!"
Me - "Yet we're the ones to speak out against what's happens to LGBT in the Middle East and Muslims in China."
Them - "You MAGA are transphobic!"
Me - "Better a transphobic than a misogynist. . .BTW, how come none of you never shed even a crocodile tear when a female athlete gets seriously injured and/or humiliated by a trans? MAGA DOES NOT mean, nor will it ever mean 'Make Abuse Great Again'!