Funny that you should mention one who hates men. I was having something done a few days ago and the person in charge was female. As the task involved animals, I told her, "Oh, great, I have a female to work with so that is good!"
Then I added, "Don't get me wrong, I love men so not saying that I don't, but I think on this task you and I will work well." She quickly responded as to her loving men, "Oh, well, I don't!"
So, it turned out she was a lesbian. VERY nice woman and we got along fabulously but obviously had different viewpoints on the sexes.
You are so right to mention that 'misandrist' is an overlooked word as so often 'misogynist' (a woman hater) is mentioned. Perhaps we need to at least equalize the word usage to parallel reality.
This current phenomenon (IMO) is because we have so many darn female SJWs these days. They have aligned with the weaker male SJWs and the focus has been on men being the bad people hating women. Fun want to 'become women' today & those men are predominantly in the Democrat party.
I seriously blame the confused women in the Democrat party for sending the party on the road to oblivion. The stronger sex in the Democrat party has tended to be female whereas in the Republican party, strong men still keep America on track.