It depends, what exactly was he advocating for? Was he advocating for the total take back of the land? Or was he advocating for a Jewish state in the land, and was okay with the Jews sharing it with the Arabs?
Well, this is a question i want to ask you, and something you should answer in your own opinion, so assume, he came back to life and saw Israel today, what would he think? As he was advocating for a Jewish land no matter what.
I think he would've been happy to see a Jewish state in existence, but I think he would wonder why all this war is happening between these two peoples, and wonder who started it? And probably be upset by stating this may have not been his intention, war.
I see, but if this question were given to the anti Zionist stream, their would be different answers, as your last sentence, "And probably be upset by stating this may have not been his intention, war." Would change as they believe he wanted war.