is now dead with gaster screaming at his corpse.
ISM has slain The Fusion of The Hypo YEET and The YEET! All hope is seemingly lost, as He and his forces approach The Meme Zone. The remaining survivors hide out in The Daily Pocket Dimension.
The YEET is revealed to be alive
The ISM’s forces have destroyed the origin, the fandom is collapsing!
The YEET has used THE INTERNET BOMB and shattered the mind of nearly all of ISM’s forces to the point where they cease to exist. Morale has gone up significantly.
The ISM has replenished his forces and has sent half of them to the resistance base.
GAMER GOD escaped and killed the Omni communist at the cost of him own life
The YEET and ISM are engaging in an epic final battle and The YEET seems to be losing
Somoen has uncovered the truth of ISM’s rampage and has spread his knowledge. A few believe him yet he will be burned at the stake tonight.
The YEET got the upper hand on The ISM and began brutally beating him. His torturous screams echoed throughout the fabric of the fandom. Unfortunately the ISM pushed back and just barely killed the YEET
.Scammer Sans tried to scam ISM but was beaten to death with the scam shield
The YEET has retreated to The Meme Zone, rallying what's left of his forces to attack ISM, and rallying the best healers to try and heal him for another fight.
ISM is marching on the capital of The Meme Zone! Most of it has been destroyed. A very weakened YEET has rallied The Forces of his own that remain, Zero Lockdown's, Infinitey Code's, and everything that remains in existence to try and fight off ISM. ISM's cults grow ever stronger. The Final Battle for The Fate of The Outerverse...
An unknown being is fighting Ultimate sans, omni-glitch sans (fanon), OMNI-GOD TEMMIE, steve, and all of ISM allies, not including the cults.
Is about to begin.
The Battle shall not be held here, but on another page. Then.. The END... Is near.
-The Daily Bugle
Our very own Editor-in-Chief, J. Jonah Jameson has joined The Existential Rallying Call. He has ordered we report on the situation. Our main reporter, Peter Parker, has gone to report.
J. Jonah Jameson has been weakened, and crippled.
J. Jonah has made a Refuge in The Daily Pocket Dimension for anyone to be safe from ISM's rampage.
All News Organizations and Military Forces have teamed up to interview and attempt and combat ISM
The Galactic Empire has used The Death Star on ISM, only for him to block it with a finger, then deflect it, destroying The Space Stati