Israel isn't even Israel, that they gave New Judea the wrong name is kind of telling.
Despite what the Ashkenazi may pretend they can wish to claim, it wasn't like the Romans extirpated them and then locked the land like it was an empty apartment for 2,000 years waiting for the Jews to reclaim their lease.
The people that were there when Ashkenazi Jews began to arrive a century ago were there when the Ashkenazi Jews began to arrive a century ago. They've been there longer than the number of years Jews had historically - including Biblical here, not just modern.
But wait, it's not like the Jews simply disappeared from the land and stayed in Europe for two millennia. There were Jews that remained or came back in the century since. Some stayed Jewish, some became Christians, and later, some became Muslims.
Meanwhile, over in Europe, the Ashkenazis didn't exactly stay 100% Jewish. They're only about 30% Jewish genetically.
It gets better, supposedly the entire population can be traced back to merely four founders. (I need to do some checking up on that last bit). They're basically mostly Slavic Eastern Europeans with an admixture of Jewish, far less Jewish and Semitic then their counterparts who remained in the Levant, regardless of religious affiliation.
Not that that they let that stop them. As you know, Mizrahi Jews - Middle Eastern Jews - as well as Sephardic Jews - both which have far much more Jewish DNA than the Ashkenazi, are ironically treated as second class citizens in Israel, even the ones that were there back when it was Palestine, or Turkey before that.
Let that sink in, Eastern Europeans that are less than a third Jewish have treated Jews with a higher percentage of Jewish blood in them as beneath them. Because they're not European enough.
And no matter how you try to slice that apple pie, bottom line is for nearly 2,000 years Ashkenazi Jews were not living in the Promised Land.