to start:
1. debt: higher taxes, but with government support from selling natural resources such as farms. mildly higher tariffs.
2. immigration: illegal immigrants must do community service for an appropriate amount of time. after this, they are perfectly normal citizens.
3. firearms: dont tax most shotguns and some rifles, tax pistols and ban fully autos and modified bullets (e.g. tracers).
4. lgbtq: keep sex where sex is. might be unpopular opinion- assess children who seek transgender care for true dysphoria or some other problem (because gender dysphoria may get worse with trans surgery if an underlying problem is not met). homosexual activity of all legal consenting of-age types is allowed. pride flags and symbols are simply cosmetic and fun; therefore theyre allowed as long as the owner is mature with it (not being a nuisance about it). pronouns for anyone of any age will be respected (if its not obviously a joke, like nick/her).
5. religion: all forms are allowed and protected.
6. censorship: just as before, put responsibility on a parent to regulate their child's eyes. discourage vacant activity (giving a child a phone to shut them up).
7. drugs: cannabis is legal above 21. 21 is the default age for anything.
8. draft: women and men are equal to choose their job (a woman may be an infantryman, if she so chooses).
9. abortion: four months to get one; otherwise, youre out of luck. a caveat may be made specifically for those who cant pay, like obamacare.
misc. allow all science grants. restore the cdc.
core values: historic common sense and discretion, true sexual equality (the problem is placed on the person who can't do their job, not their group), compromise between both conservatives and wokes.