So Luna is an oc based on a Twisted Wonderland rp I did in the rp stream on here once and I've actually made videos with her as part of my Overblot Yuu au and they're my most popular videos with each one having over 5.8k views
Now here's Lunas Story: Luna is the Princess of the kingdom of Dreams, a kingdom with strong connections to the night and as one would guess, the realm of dreams. The kingdom is rather peaceful and very prosperous with strength in magic and alchemy. The kingdom itself is also known for its strong alliance with the kingdom of Illusion, this being helped by the close friendship between Luna and kingdom of Illusions princess, Quira.
Naturally the kingdom has an enemy, this enemy being an exiled sorcerer turned cult leader named Kritanta who originally worked with the royal family but kept insisting on turning on and going to war with the Kingdom of Illusion and was soon discovered to be plotting against the royal family and was exiled and stripped of the powers he had been given from working with the kingdom of Dreams. Frustrated by this, Kritanta started to gather new and darker magic and even followers who viewed him as a fallen god in hope of one day taking what he felt he was owed, the title of ruler of the kingdom of Dreams. (continued in reply)