That IS random LOL
Are you having fun? Not taking things too seriously (like 98% of the Internet does)? Most of imgflip is FUN! I laugh and laugh when I make a meme that most people just won't get. I do it for me more than anyone else. It's nice when others enjoy my humor, but that is not the goal. This place allows me to be silly. This is one of the most fun websites (except some toxic streams). Feel free to block users. Anywhere you go, even this fun place, you will find many people want you to be miserable because they cannot stop being miserable (or they're just plain evil). Only Jesus brings true joy.
That being said, some of your content suggests you are still a minor, but so does a lot of mine, and I was born back in the 20th century! Meme-ing is fun and silly like that. If you ARE under 13, I would recommend not subjecting yourself to the Internet at all—not because you don't understand it, but simply because you really don't need it. EVERYONE would be better off refining how to deal with people in person, no matter their age. Most of us are woefully out of practice. I certainly need to follow this advice. I spend a disproportional amount of time with people I cannot see, i.e. on the Internet. Discovering 'teh interwebz' made me jaded and lazy, and it does with most people. Technology has NOT made humanity better.
No matter your age, don't be in a hurry to grow up. I'm on imgflip because I don't have to act my age here. I can be silly and child-like, playing with memes. I wish I were still playing with my matchbox cars in the back yard. Stay outside! Have fun and stay good: don't let ANYONE bring you down into their depravity. Never compromise yourself.
I hope you found this helpful. As with my memes, this will probably help me more than it will anyone else.