Your theory is based on several flaws. First, it is not possible to get voluntary cooperation from everyone, which is necessary for your utopia to survive. Ultimately you have to have some means of coercion to make people work together.
Second, you say everyone should own their own work in one breath while saying “necessities should be free” in the next. If food is be free it means farmers can’t own their work. If housing is free builders can’t own their work. If medical care is free, medical staff can’t own their work.
Third, your theory does not account for those who seek to gain what they need but refuse to work. How are you going to force them to work if they don’t want to?
Fourth, you say it’s not right for people to have to work to survive— but that’s the way it always will be.
Finally, and this is not an exhaustive list by any means, you say we need to look out for each other — but we do that by looking out for our own interests. By looking out for my need of money I do a service to another person that he does not have time or expertise to do. That person then is serving their customers, who in turn serve us by paying us. This true service to one another is best done by a free market since I can choose who serves me based on who does it best, and I have to improve my service to others so they will want me to serve them.
And yes, you are annoying. You should stick to making memes about crows.