PART 2 (part 1 below)
safe & effective & physically inject it into them. No… they attack ME, the messenger who is trying to save their lives — or their PETS’ lives. Man, the brainwashing goes deep. Very effective PSYOP! (Have you read any books about the plandemic scamdemic & the psyop run by DARPA et al??)
These are people who feel personally attacked when there’s one word spoken against vax’s. Why is That?! What do these people actually KNOW about vaccines? Where did they pick up their info. Why do they have to defend the industry so vigorously?! Are they getting paid by Big pHarma? Does their daddy work in the industry, and Junior wants to keep getting his generous allowance — while Junior is laying on the couch drinking his Mountain Dew, eating Doritos, & making impotent memes, while criticizing other meme creators who are making helpful Public Service Announcements?
The pro vax people are gullible. They just accept whatever they’re told. But they don’t understand that they’re being told to believe BS, by the people who get rich off of you believing that BS. They don’t research the damned things. If they had looked INTO the topic, they would learn about the ingredients. Then they would wonder why these poisons are injected into ANY living beings. Why is MERCURY in a vax. What is SV-40, & why is that in vax’s?? How dare they think I’ll let them shoot aborted fetal cells into me! Or the DNA from cows pigs monkeys — different SPECIES!
No, ya see… I was CREATED with an IMMUNE system, by GOD. God didn’t forget anything. He didn’t make any mistakes. He doesn’t need Scientists to help Him. All He expects is for me to keep my TERRAIN healthy. Healthy food, water, living environment, some exercise, vitamins & supplements, & no junk. Simple.
See, it’s the people who live $hit lives, who need shortcuts to better health. Those people would benefit from taking personal responsibility for their health. And not looking to manmade chemical shortcuts to counter their neglect. They would do good to learn about health, but also Jesus, too. Learn about health, vaccines, & learn about Jesus. Ah… but that involves READING, & COMMITMENT. That’ll cut into their indispensable essential life -enhancing video game time. Never mind.