I might get hated on this but I don't really give a shit. I think Emosnake has lost my respect. Emosnake deciding to be trans out of nowhere reminds me of users like Ashley the Memer and PetTheSprigatito deciding to be trans out of nowhere, where it seems to me like they get into a pipeline of watching and liking sexual content and eventually get jealous of women to the point that they have a fetish of being a woman. Emosnake literally drew f**king rule 34 of Claire at one point. This is called autogynephilia, a fetish where they imagine themselves as female, and it's not a real form of being trans, unlike some actual people who do struggle with it. That's because instead of genuinely feeling female from a heartfelt place or belonging, they feel that way in a sexual place. It ends up causing both cis women to be objectified and normal trans women to be at the brunt of criticism when they shouldn't be due to the behavior of autogynephiles. It's a big problem in the trans community and since it relates with self appearance it usually materializes in narcissists. This makes sense to me since Emosnake posts pictures of himself ALL the time and is constantly seeking validation from MS_memer_group and the LGBTQ stream, which sounds a lot like narcissism. And furthermore, him lying about leaving several times before coming back soon - in once case he joined literally an hour after - as well as his constant suicide baiting - only seems to reinforce my belief on this. Basically, I really don't think Emosnake is actually trans. (On a side note, autogynephilia not having a opposite "autoandrophilia" fetish in women tends to explain why there are so much more MTF trans people than FTM trans people, because some of those MTF trans people are actually fetishists.)