Simply beautiful. Though there are plenty of equatorial tribes whose clothing is worn for purposes of ornamentation rather than modesty. They're much more true to themselves than *most* (nudists are a thing) humans residing in equatorial regions.
Equatorial tribes also have a much better track record of not savagely raping the planet in the pursuit of converting resources into garbage. So they've got that going for them too. "Civilized" humans could learn a lot from these "savages", if the "civilized" humans weren't too busy displacing/enslaving/exterminating the "savages" in order to build cattle grazing land and strip malls on the land previously occupied by the "savages". Funny how artificial selection has favored the xenophobic, barbaric, imperialistic, myopic, self-entitled, disingenuous humans over those who live as part of nature instead of its wanton despoiler. Well, we came from nature, so its doom at our hands is really self-inflicted. Pass the A-1, I want to eat another cow before buying more shit I don't need so I can throw it away 6 months later. I'm bored with my current hoard of useless shit. Yay civilization!