peter griffin story plan; dies of heart attack; wakes up in haunted hospital; tries to find real exit; some are fake; spends 5 hours finding; sees doll; the doll runs after peter; he finds real exit and bursts through; it is night time; tries to stay calm; sees his car and gets in; it is on low petrol; a corrupted version of him chases peter and he got very very scared; he caught peter; got put in his van; he tried running away but the corrupted version of him was faster; sees dead end; finds gun; good aim.corrupted version dies; finds his car; pushes it; arrives at petrol station; fuells; sees ghost; got very very verrry scared; runs past a shop that sells vacuum cleaners; buys one; sucks the ghost in; runs back in car; drives off; gets stuck in morning traffic jam; waits paitently for 2 minutes; there are roadworks; drives home; it is a 3 minute ride; arrives home; brushes teeth and waits for breakfast; everyone else wakes up; they eat; peter hangs out; makes dinner and everyone eats; lois says it is nice; stops a dangerous gang; runs for president; becomes president; becomes immortal