Infernal has a huge advantage with his combat knowledge : he's way less likely to commit a dumb mistake and let his guard down.
Plus, he has the advantage of reach (if he keeps his lances) and has the mastery of fire, which Voiding doesn't seems to have a direct counter of it.
But is it enough to stop Voiding tempo ?
Above the elemental magic, the space-time magic is absolutely broken if only one opponent has the mastery of it. Voiding has +30 tempos, which each it's unique abilities, but it doesn't really matter.
Because on a long run battle, Infernal absolutely dominate.
He can set up the terrain with fire to become basically untouchable without trading some damage. And at trading damages and stalling, Infernal has everything in his favor.
But I don't think Voiding is dumb enough to let that happen. Halt, Star and Dive, Mixed with Iris and Gate, can make this fight ends in seconds.
So my vote is on Voiding.