J404!Butterfly is immensely powerful, grabbing at all the power of the mainframe and the Reality as well as a very big amount of Malware's himself. This is the transformation Malware was waiting for, the moment Butterfly took its effects, Malware was more than confident 404's vessel could handle a large amount of his power without any consequence due to its massive regeneration factors. J404!Butterfly is a living embodiment of uncontrollable chaos.
Time and Space control
J404!Butterfly can manipulate the concepts of Time and Space around him. It is able to mess with the concept of time and space within Reality 6 to where he can slow things down to almost standstill like movement where characters believe their reaching him when in reality they couldn't be none the wiser and can bend, or even shatter the concept of space and time themselves to a degree even larger than the Butterfly transformation due to Malware's influence.
Instantaneous Movement
J404 Butterfly moves so fast that it appears where it wants to be even faster than instant teleportation could and speeds that not even the speed formula itself can identify.
The Omninova is a large attack that has chaotic power, the move is a large spherical like orb that when thrown is has Just Butterfly 404 described "Could destroy both this Reality and the next" and was proven right within Chapter 3 where he used it against Infected and blew up several Transvoid Universes which are known to be as big vastly bigger than even Reality 6 itself, and possibly even compareable to that of a Full Fledged Reality.
(Are you sure about that?)