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1 up, 4w,
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Is this the buff twinks everyone’s talking about
0 ups, 4w,
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I have NO idea
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can he please blow my back out 🙏🥴
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Idk bro

Look at how massive this man is
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I'm not in this convo but- 0-O go***amn. I- phew. Okay-
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0 ups, 4w,
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Did u make him or is he from something-?
0 ups, 4w,
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He's someone's oc on twitter I think?? I'm like 65% sure-
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I wonder if sugar is a thing... What abt spice... Oh jeez. No.
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0 ups, 4w
Im an artist! I can draw anything!


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I can't </3
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Lol, I'm not very good at arting. I could show u some! =D
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I'd love to!
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3 replies
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3 replies
rubs hands together and bites lip
0 ups, 4w
O-0 you like him?
0 ups, 4w
*shoves literally myself at u* please take this autistic man off my hands.
0 ups, 4w
0 ups, 4w,
1 reply
0 ups, 4w
Hes from my favorite comic lol
0 ups, 4w,
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Absolutely!!! >:3
0 ups, 4w
*aggressively throws Frank at you*
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i had to block out the top part of his peeeeen
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1 up, 2w
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5 replies
I am happi.
I u can delete if u want so imgflip don't come for u
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We're lowkey a wee bit special
0 ups, 4w
*giggles in autism*
0 ups, 4w
0 ups, 4w,
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It might get deleted anyways idk
0 ups, 4w
Yuh. Ur so chill btw, cool enough to deal with my weird horny ass
0 ups, 4w,
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Lowkey I'm the same way </3

We chillin
0 ups, 4w
They see me rollin-
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1 reply
Ya !!
0 ups, 4w
Lol idk why I thought of that
0 ups, 2w
Well well well
0 ups, 4w
0 ups, 2w
what is this and why is it on your profile
0 ups, 4w
Mishka: Holy shit, this man is terrifying...
0 ups, 1mo,
21 replies
(Why is it.... So hot-)

*the boy yelped, and Immediately thought about turning and running, buy he wasn't very fast. He stood there, backing up horrified*
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"Come on, let me help you." He said. "What bag do you want to use? I'll hold it open for you to make things easier."
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*he points to an MHA backpack hanging on his doorknob, then walks over to his dresser*
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He gently took it and held it open. "Was that your dad who opened the door?" He asked softly.
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(Yeah, Tristan is just a tiny, anime loving, baby boy :))

Tristan: Step dad. *he packed while speaking*
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(They'd be such a cute couple tho </3 thats just a MASSIVE age gap.)

He just nodded, holding the bag open more. "Do you want me to grab you a separate bag and pack you some stuffies?" He said, reaching out to rub his back.
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(I could crank up his age... Just this once...)

Tristan: No...ill just grab one. *he picked up a Uzi plushie =3* thank you...
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(:Insert freaky sonic gif:)

"Of course. I just want you to be comfortable." he said, snaking an arm around him and pulled him into a hug

(also I have an uzi plush </3)
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(Sammeee ^^ how old?)

*he began to sob again, his chest heaving with each hiccup or gasp*
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(Alll up to you)

"Hey.. what's going on??" He said, quickly setting the bag down and wrapping his other arm around him. "It's going to be okay.." he mumbled

(also he just- kinda left all the bullies there-)
0 ups, 4w

Tristan: I hate this place...

( dw, those idiots are too stupid)
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He seemed a bit surprised that they were so dense that they didn't see the LITTERAL 7'2 GUY WALKING BEHIND THEM???? He shook off the thought and continued to stand behind them, crossing his arms.

(ALSO BRO IS BATHED NOW No more bloody boy :3)
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(Literally all of them are on their phones sooooo)
*Leona noticed first*
Leona: uhh... Guys?
Molli: huh? Oh ew-
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He smiled and tilted his head. "Hello everyone." He said, trying to sound like he wasn't about to kidnap them and do god-know-what.
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Molli: What tf are you?
*Tristan smiled, but Aiden grabbed his arm roughly*
Nate: Bro looks like a fortnite character.
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He reached out and ripped Aiden's arm off of Tristan. "Don't touch him." He said, smiling. "And you don't need to worry who I am, all that matters is that you remember my face."
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Leona: How could we forget it
Aiden: back off, man!
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He sighed and walked over to Tristan as he bent down. "I suggest you go somewhere else for now." He whispered before standing back up.
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*he nods, trotting away*
Aiden: hey! Were not done with her!
Molli: he just let her walk away what
Nate: she's an idiot anyway-
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"Her? She?" he said, getting a bit angry as he walked past Aiden, stabbing a syringe into his neck, injecting it before taking two tranquilizers and used one in each hand, getting both Molli and Nate. "Now.. where's the other one.." he mumbled to himself
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(They hate trans folk :))
Nate: Holy- *he tried to run*
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He got to the door and groaned, tying his hair up and putting it in a bun as he grabbed a random black jacket from off the ground and put it on, trying to look more presentable than a man in pink shorts and a crop-top. He then knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.
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*A drunk man opened the door*
???: Ehhh... The f**k do ya want...?
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"F**k.." he mumbled under his breath. "Hello, sir. I'm here to pick up Tristan? We were going to study for an upcoming test we have." He said, holding out his hand. "I'm Sugar, by the way."

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(E for effort)

???: mmm... Sure. She's sobbing like a bitch upstairs. Go get her.
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He hurried in the house and rushed up the stairs, opening the room where the sobs were coming from as he stepped inside and gently shut the door. "Tristan.." He said softly, not wanting to scare him.
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*sobs shook his body as he lay curled in a ball, his cheek having a vivid red hand print across it*
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"Tristan, it's Sugar." He said a bit louder, crouching beside him as he rubbed his head.
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*he flinched*
Tristan: H-Hi-
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"Come on, we're getting out of here. Grab some clothes, grab what you need from your bathroom, hell grab a plushie if you need one. But we're getting out of here for at least a few nights."
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*his tear filled eyes widened*
Tristan: your... Okay.
*he sat up, wiping the tears from his cheeks*
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that’s my name??
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Ur name is Tristan?
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(Kool :3)
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"Don't try to run! You'll make it worse for yourself!" he called, looking around for Leona. "Shit.." he mumbled
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(Oop- I meant to type that Leona was trying to run shit- go back WAAAA)
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"Yup! Go get some sleep, Tristan." he said before putting the phone in his pocket, not hanging up. "Sorry guys, just had to check up on someone." He said, grinning. "Now, what do you guys say we try next? We have the water, we have the static.. give me some ideas!" He said, spreading his arms. "I'm all ears!"
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Aiden: ugh, of course he's talking to her-
Molli: no way, this sucks-
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He sighed and shook his head. "No creativity.." He said and grabbed 4 blindfolds, putting the first one on Aiden. "And you're going down first!"
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Nate: what kinda kinky shit is this-
Leona: the f**k-!?
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"It's all about the loss of stimulation." he said, putting the next one on Nate. "How do you feel?"
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Nate: Weird as f**k.
Molli: NO-
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He smiled and slid over to Molli next. "Alrighty!" He said and tied hers on. "Three out of four.."
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(Plz blindfold me not them-)

Leona: sir please- we'll never bother him again-
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"Too late!" he said and blindfolded her as well before he took his phone back out, double checking that the call was still on.
0 ups, 4w
Tristan: ....damn.
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"I don't know anyone named Belle, and I never let a girl get away." He said, balling up his fist. "God I wish I could just rip your head off your body!" He yelled, throwing a punch next to Aiden's head.
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Molli: wait! Do you know a Tristan?
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He looked over and scowled. "Why does it matter if I do or not?"
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Molli: C-Cuz that's Belles other name.
Leona: She thinks she can change her gender-
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He laughed. "Like I said! I don't know a Belle. Tristan's more of a man than any of you pathetic excuses for humans could be." He spat, turning the volume up on the static.
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Aiden: Can you at least tell us what we did wrong?!
Nate: I mean- i beat up Belle- Tristan whatever a few times...
Leona: ZIP IT, BABE!!!!
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"Bingo! Bango! Right on the money!" he said, pointing to Nate. "Coooorect!"
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Nate: Is that it? All the times we beat the shit out of her (him)? Dude- everyone is sometimes a bully! The worst thing we've done is tied her (him) to a tree in the rain and left for the night.
Aiden: You are.... Such an idiot.
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"Doesn't matter. You refuse to call Tristan by his name. Anyways, time to continue my job." He said, Turning the volume to the max as he put his headphones back on, staring at their lips to see if they would speak.
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*after a loooooong silence, Leona spoke*
Leona: This shit is driving me crazy...
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He hummed and shut the lights off as he went upstairs again. "So, plan on sleeping anytime soon?"
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Tristan: er- uh yeah i-
Tristan: s-sorry mom!!
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His eye twitched in anger as he sighed and walked out of his front door. "Tristan, where do you live?" he asked, his voice calm and quiet.
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Tristan: no. Your not killing my mom.
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"I'm not going to kill her, calm down. I can take you over to my place. I've got a spare bedroom you can use."
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Tristan: oh okay, that s-
* A sharp crack was heard. A slap. The silence was extremely loud over the line*
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He balled up his fist and grumbled, looking at the number, trying to get any idea where he lived.
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Tristan: I-I gotta go. I like on [ADRESS HERE]....
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He looked around and put the address in his phone, sprinting towards the house.
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*he had hung up a few moments ago*
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"Perfect!" He said as he clasped his hands together and tilted his head. "It's pretty late.. you should head back." He said, standing up as he towered over him, standing at a whopping 7'2.
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*he just stared up at him like: ._.*
Tristan: Will... ill see you again right...? You don't seem like a monster, and nobody has ever been this kind to me before-
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He nodded and handed him a piece of paper that was a bit blood-splattered. "Hold on to that. Call me if you need someone taken care of or if you just want to talk." He said, ruffling his hair once more before he picked up his chainsaw and walked off.
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Tristan: Oh
*he stood there for a moment, dazed by the interaction before hurrying away*
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(Should we timeskip? I don't really mind :3)
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Monday after school rolled around and Sugar was standing under a tree, holding a paper. He had done research on the bullies and had printed out their faces, full names, and addresses. He now just waited until he saw them.
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*the first few wandered out, trailing after Tristan, snickering. The group was Leona, Molli and Nate. Molli and Leona were sl*ty looking girls, nate was super tall and looked like an idiot*
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He trailed after them, keeping an eye out for Aiden, as he hadn't seen him yet.
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*Aiden was waiting at the bus stop for Tristan. Aiden had A large scar across his face (true story). Aiden smirked as Tristan approached*
Aiden: Hey, half-n-half.
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"So, just give me until the end of this week, and all your problems will be over." He said, grinning
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Tristan: I hope so...
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He laughed. "Trust me.."
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*suspicious look*
Tristan: oookay...
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He nodded and walked over to his car before speeding away, heading to his own home
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*he hurried home, only to have his life turn around from good, to oh so very bad*
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He unloaded everyone and drug them to his basement, humming to himself as he tied them to chairs and turned the lights off, sitting in his own chair across from them and scrolled through his phone.
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*Molli woke first*
Molli: H-Huh?!
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"Good morning." He said, grinning up at her.
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*he immediately flipped out, Screaming and struggling. This made Aiden come to*
Aiden: Wha?
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He sighed as he picked him up and sat him in the chair, tying him down tighter as he did the same for everyone else. He loosened the pipe more to let more water drip out and he adjusted the volume on the static and their blindfolds. "Stay put you four." he said as he went back upstairs.
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*he was unpacking his stuff*
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He stood behind him and hugged him tightly. "Guess who!"

(super senior activity)
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*he gasped softly, before replying sarcastically*
Tristan: hmmm I dunno-
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"Come on.. take a guess!" He said, laughing
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Tristan: *loooong pause* Sugar?
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"Correct!" He said and hugged him. "So, how's the unpacking going?"
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*he smiled and gave a thumbs up*
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He smiled and ruffled his hair. "So, want help setting anything up?"
0 ups, 3w
Tristan: No... Just a hug.
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He read her lips and smirked, just observing them.
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Aiden: I think that's the point. God- I'm gonna kill that f**king paint splattered looking f*ggot the minute we get back
Molli: and that's if we ever do.
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"Touch Tristan and I'll make sure that it's all of you who die instead of him." He barked, glaring at them as he sighed and left the basement, calling Tristan as he rubbed his brow.
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*he picked up after the first ring*
Tristan: Hey-!
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"Are they ALWAYS non-stop talkers and extremely homophobic? They throw the f-slur around like there's no tomorrow."
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Tristan: Oh uh... Yeah. They've always been that way. They've called me tons of nasty names like that.
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"Welp, now they're calling me it. I don't really care because what if I am or not." he said with a sigh. "God they're pains in the asses.."
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Tristan: *he paused* sorry-
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"Hey, don't be." he said. "I can handle it."
0 ups, 4w
Tristan: Just... Please don't kill them.
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(Maybe 21?? Idk :3)

"Would you want to live with me? We can just pack everything right now.." He said, looking around the room.
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(*evil grin* excellent)
Tristan: s-sort of...
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"Sort of? Do you not know if you want to go?" He said, kneeling down and looking up at him
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Tristan: my mom will call cops...
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"Not if I call CPS on her first." He said, taking out his phone. "Give me two minutes." he said as he walked into the bathroom, shutting the door softly.
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*he sat alone quietly*
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He came back and sat next to him, wrapping his arms around him. "Come on, we need to pack everything and leave as fast as we can before your mom kills me." He said with a bright smile on his face
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(As soon as they leave, we amping up his age)
Tristan: O-Okay-
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He grabbed multiple bags and put them on the bed, putting things inside of them, just trying to empty the room
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*soon, they finished*
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He chased after Leona, grabbing a tranquilizer dart and threw it, aiming for her.
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*since she had f**king heels on, it hit her*
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He grinned and picked 2 of them up and threw them in his trunk, and grabbed the other two and threw them in his back seat, brushing his hands off. "Tristan?" he called, looking around for him
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*he was further down the road, his head down, eyes glued to the pavement*
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He walked over to him and rubbed his shoulders. "You alright?"
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*he jumps, expecting it to be Nate, who always spun him around and punched him*
Tristan: Wait-! Oh... Its you. *he seemed at ease in his presence*
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He smiled softly. "They won't be around for the rest of this week, and they'll never bother you again."
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Tristan: *sniffles* thank you..!
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"Anytime." he said and hugged him, rubbing his head gently.
0 ups, 4w
Tristan: *he smiles, he likes head pats*
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He bent down and sat in front of him. "Would you like to talk about it?"
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*he stuffs his hands in his pockets*
Tristan: I dunno... Won't somebody notice? And call the cops or something...?
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"Probably not. Even they're too scared to come out at night."
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*he looked down*
Tristan: sounds right.
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"Now, talk to me." He said, a smile spreading across his lips, the open skin on his face showing his sharp teeth.
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*a small smile reached his lips*
Tristan: welll .... Uh... I just felt- sad.
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"Did something happen to make you feel so sad you needed to do that?"
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*he nodded slightly, his face slightly guilty looking*
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"Do you want to tell me? It's fine if not." He said, leaning back a bit.
0 ups, 4w
Tristan: ....Bullies.
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"Grab all the bags." he said, picking some up himself. "Hurry! We gotta get out of here as quick as possible."
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*he picked up the rest, eyes wide*
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He grinned and picked him up, hurrying down the stairs and out the front door, sprinting for his own house.
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*he sorta just sat there like: O-0*
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He got to the house and quickly got inside, shutting the door. "There.. I'll show you where you'll be staying." He said as he grabbed some of the bags and carried them upstairs and put them in a spacious bedroom that was next to Sugars.
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Tristan: thank you... So much.
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"I'm just helping you out. Now I just have one little rule! No going into the basement just for this week."
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Tristan: uh... Okay... Why? Can I ask?
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He just smiled. "Safety reasons.." He said before he quickly went down to the basement, checking on the group of bullies.
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*hate managed to get himself untied*
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He nodded and wrapped his arms back around him. "You like hugs, huh?"
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Tristan: just a little bit.
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"I think you like them more than a little bit." He said, laughing a bit.
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Tristan: okay fine... A lot.
0 ups, 3w
He nodded and gave him a peck on the head. "Alright. I'm going to be gone for a moment, give me 2 seconds." he said, heading back to the basement to check on everyone
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He watched in amusement, standing up and walking over to the light switch, turning the lights on.
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Molli: Don't hurt me!!!
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"After what you've done? I don't think there's a way I can't." He said, smirking as he placed a plate full of delicious smelling food in front of them, just out of reach

(His tactic is to completely break them and torture them instead of inflicting physical pain </3)
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(Oh jeez)

*they both stared for a long moment*
Aiden: what did we do!?
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(He's just a cutie bro)

"Let me wake the others." he said, walking over to the other two and tilted the chair over, almost to the point where it fell.
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*they both woke up*
Leona: huh
Nate: What the sigma? *yes. I hate it*
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He grinned and sighed. "What to do next.." He mumbled, turning on a TV that was across from them and put it on just static as he put some headphones on and listened to some music, staring at them
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*they were all just like: wtf. So they started talking, trying to formulate a plan*
Nate: why didn't the f*ggot pick up Belle? (Tristan <3)
Molli: yeah she was there too-
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He took the headphones off and towered over them. "Who you callin' a f*ggot and a she?" He said, crossing his arms with a disgusted look on his face.
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Leona: N-Nothing.
Aiden: Your a f*ggot. And you know that girl you let get away? Yeah, that's Belle.
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He didn't say anything, just slowly walked towards him, his bright yellow eyes seeming to glow in the dark.
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*a small whimper escaped his throat, and he muttered*
Tristan: Please don't hurt me-
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His grin grew. "Who said I was going to hurt you? What lies have the news been spreading now?" He said, the word "lies" being spat.
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*he stopped. Duh, he was afraid. Usually people welding chainsaws and spattered in blood were bad"
Tristan: your-your a murderer-!
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He shrugged. "So what? At least I'm not a liberal or a r####t." He said, setting the chainsaw down. "I kill the bad f**ks of the world. I don't go killing innocent people."
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*his tense body relaxed a bit*
Tristan: Oh- I'm sorry- I-I though-
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"You're fine. Just be careful." He said, shrugging it off. "What's the worst thing you've done?" He suddenly asked
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Tristan: U-Uh- I dunno. Hurt myself on purpose? Other than that I've only ever argued with my mom-
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"Not bad enough to get yourself killed." He said, setting the chainsaw down as he approached him, taking only 3 steps to be able to stand in front of him as he suddenly wrapped his arms around him and hugged him. "Why did you do it?"
0 ups, 4w
(Oh man I need this)

*he was tense for a moment, then relaxed, not yet returning the gesture*
Tristan: I dunno- I just felt sad...
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"Already promised I wouldn't." he said, staying on the phone as he headed back to the basement to check on everyone."
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Tristan: okay- I'm sorry-
*they were there, yapping*
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"Don't be sorry! You're alright." he said with a laugh as he sat in front of everyone. "What are we talking about guys?"
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*they immediately stopped, they had been talking about escape*
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"God yall are stubborn.." he mumbled, tucking the phone between his shoulder and his ear. "Anyways as I was saying, you're fine! I understand you're worried." He said and went to a pipe, unscrewing it a bit so it would leak a drop of water ever so often but in an unsteady rhythm, so they couldn't tune it out.
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(This dude-)

Molli: he's trying to drive us crazy...
Tristan: yeah... They all literally hate my guts but... I dunno...
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He shot Molli a dirty glare as he went back to talking, a smile on his face, sitting back down. "Yeah but for what? You're just a sweet guy, trans or not. You're a real man to me no matter what people say."
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*looong pause*
Tristan: ...Thanks.
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"Of course!" he said, seeming to forget the literal captives in front of him.
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Aiden: This f**ker-
Tristan: Well, I should be going- my mom will get mad If I'm up too late.
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"Understandable." He said as he rose once more, hugging him again. "Do you remember their names?" He whispered into his ear.
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*this time, he returned the gesture, sniffling a bit*
Tristan: Well... Yeah. Aiden Farhner, Nate Christansen, Leona Nelson and.... Molli Reed.

(nope, I totally didnt just dox my bullies irl. Nope.)
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He grinned, his perfectly white, razor-sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight. "Mind telling me what school you go to? I can make sure they won't cause you any more harm." He purred, rubbing Tristan's head softly
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(Why is this duo the most adorable shit ever)

*his eyes widen a bit*
Tristan: I-I go to prairie high school but you won't kill them- right?
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(Sugar's just a silly little guy :3)

"I won't kill them if you don't want me to, I'll just teach them a lesson. You'll see them Monday and that's it. They'll be back next week, but they won't bully anyone anymore, trust me." He said, his eyes lighting up in excitement as he thought about what he would do.
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(0-O *loooong pause* a hot little guy. I'm sorry I can't FREAKING get over it)

Tristan: Yeah I dont... Recommend killing them. But.... Thanks.
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"I won't kill them, sweetie. I'll just keep them for a week and return them once they've learned their lessons."
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*it finally clicks in his tiny brain*
Tristan: You can't kidnap them-!
*the tiny do-gooder was always worried about other people, never himself*
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He sighed. "Come on.. I won't physically hurt them, I can promise you that." he said, holding out his pinky finger. "At least not from my hands.." he murmured under his breath
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*his eyes narrow, but still links pinkys lol*
Tristan: Sounds a bit suspicious.... But I honestly don't care as long as they live....
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