Also if this helps any [recalling it for the first time in years]: last century a roommate told me, after I suggested some silliness, that I should start a comic strip called -The Farther Side-. 😆
It's from mine own noggin and personal experience. I did enjoy many 'Far Side' offerings a moon or two ago. But if I were knowingly replicating or even recapitulating their work, I would have given a shoutout. Cheers for chiming in. 🍻
"Pops, When Did You
Start Thinking the Human
Species Could Be Doomed?"; "When Folks Started Telling
Me That I'm the Smartest
Person or One of the; Smartest People They Ever
Met, That's When I Knew It
Was Bunker-Building Time."; Apocalypse Factcheck; OzwinEVCG