Pretty sure Tainos were the first enslaved by Europeans in America. By none other than Cristobal Colon himself. The day after he got here practically. In 1492.
The difference lies in the TYPE of slavery that was performed. It wasn't chattel slavery. Slaves have always existed in history, and yes, they were slaves to Muslims, but it was very different from when black people were enslaved.
Slavery reperations fix nothing. It's the blackmailing of people who were not involved. And reperations are racist because they are only demanded for 1 race. While all races have been slaves at 1 time or another. A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 – a far greater number than had ever been estimated before. America's First Slaves: Whites; The slavery of Europeans was a prelude to the slavery of Africans in the Americas. Dem. party depends on people not knowing the truth about slavery. When OBAMA & Clinton got Gadafie killed Libya reverted back to a slaver state, you can buy a human in LIBYA for 200 now