So the creepy grinning face with the obscure eyes that don't pop right away but once they do are quite evil along with the light from the doors at the other end of the hall in the middle minus a nuck or upper body attached to the face isn't creepy? This is an elementary school from the area I'm from that was highly haunted and with personal experience in there this face is 100% supernatural.
You seem like a troll to me. People who don't see the point in a picture don't typically keep harping at their opinion of it not being scary outside of maybe one comment. Remarks about the silent hill thing suggests a troll. I've only played a flash edition of a part of that back in 2013 and know nothing else about it. If you don't see it, as others here have, then you lack discernment which isn't a safe place to be. This is the window in one of the doors in a school in the area I'm from and if you personally had ever been in this place you'd recognize supernatural. They rarely appear like the movies show them as vividly although they often did in this place. People typically expect it to be as vivid as a person in front of you but even when nothing is visible if you're ever in the presence of them it's highly scary. You likely didn't get the eye effect that at first doesn't look too weird or even obscure but when they pop it changes plus a face with no body attached isn't something I'd call normal & not scary & if that face isn't creepy to you then something's wrong. If someone put something AI generated and fake up you'd likely call it scary.
Ok, I'm being real, I understand your opinions, and your belief on how I'm attempting to troll, but I truly am not, I don't find this scary, it's slightly unsettling, at least for me, so I apologize for seeming like a troll.
Okay that makes sense. I didn't think the troll thing until the silent hill remark mainly because I've dealt with trolling from many on here and thought this could possibly be trolling. Been on here since 2018 so experienced quite a few of those. Unsettling suggests it has a disturbing vibe though. I figured you found it normal which would be odd but unsettling makes sense depending on your history and without personal experience at this place maybe it wouldn't be "scary" when you consider the definition of the words scary and unsettling.
In viewing this again I noticed other faces in the blurry part. First, the two lighter spots on the window above the blur i originally viewed as two fingers and the blur as the hand palm but I noticed an obscure smiling face in the blur and a very obscure face on the one light spot that could be a distant head as well. Also in tilting head away from doorknobs I notice a face in peeking out sideways. These are more obscure but in my personal experience in that school and how active it was I wouldn't be surprised if they were all legit supernatural and not just eye tricks. Obscure comparatively but there for sure. This school was a sincere hellhole. It may not get to those outside of it as much or the true nature of them isn't hitting
It is to those with discernment and in personal experience in this place it's real and there are also other subtle faces blended in here too but in middle part of glass.
Well you've proven my point but if it doesn't freak you out at all then fine but those of us experienced with it or pick up on the spiritual aspect see it. Plus this place was demolished in 2022 but was hexed as is the town I'm from that this elementary school was in along with being cursed and quite a hell hole area so in regards to the name of this stream the place itself and the area are under that and ritual practices was the cause and the haunting at this place was extreme so appearances that may not frighten someone on first glance but oftentimes the worst spirits appear as children or look beautiful and are a worse hierarchy than the ones obviously vile.
What about the other ones that are more obscure? In viewing this again I noticed other faces in the blurry part. First, the two lighter spots on the window above the blur i originally viewed as two fingers and the blur as the hand palm but I noticed an obscure smiling face in the blur and a very obscure face on the one light spot that could be a distant head as well. Also in tilting head away from doorknobs I notice a face in peeking out sideways. These are more obscure but in my personal experience in that school and how active it was I wouldn't be surprised if they were all legit supernatural and not just eye tricks. Obscure comparatively but there for sure. This school was a sincere hellhole. It may not get to those outside of it as much or the true nature of them isn't noticed initially. The top one is more obvious but the eyes on it don't pop instantly. The shudder happens when they do.