I’m not posting on this stream for any particular reason other than there’s nowhere else I can, nor do I really expect anyone to read this, I just thought that I may as well post my thoughts on the matter here.
I’ve just gotten banned from both posting and commenting on MSMG indefinitely, presumably by Andrew. But if I’m being completely honest, I don’t really care too much. I’ve been on imgflip for over 3 years (im almost og status if you really think about it) and really, I felt like I’ve had my fun already. Both on MSMG and other streams.
If there is something I regret though, like most people I presume, it’s spending too much time on the internet and treating it as if it were real life. However, recently, I’ve just been taking it kind of chill and not too seriously. I’m probably going to be proven wrong on this later, but at this point in time, I think I might just move onto something different in my life.
This comment and post ban had helped inspire me too, because it helped me realize just how imgflip shouldn’t be treated too seriously, given that you can be barred from partaking in the stream for the dumbest reasons imaginable. So yeah, I might just be leaving behind imgflip as the last chapter in my life and turn to the next page, as some would put it. Most of the ogs have left and let the newgens carry on the legacy of imgflip, so I may as well follow suit. I don’t have too many qualms about doing so either, I almost feel at peace doing so.
If there is a piece of advice that I could give to newgens coming to imgflip, it’s to not take shit too seriously since it’s the online world, and also try enjoying irl too for a fulfilling life, make irl human connections while you’re at it.
But yeah, again, I don’t expect anyone to take anything from this. In fact, I don’t really even expect anyone to read this or see this. I’d personally say it’s just something to leave here before I leave this site for good.
Anyways, adios.