"We have one very big power over China, and that's tariffs, and they don't want them, and I'd rather not have to use it, but it's a tremendous power over China."; -Donald J. Trump pushing
more domination-fantasy. Think back, Trump-cult
kids --remember how
the last time he pulled
that stupid crap China
pretty much gave us
the finger, cut off
their business
dealings in the
targeted market
arenas... ...leading to farm
foreclosures, bankrupt-
cies, a drastic spike in
suicides among heartland
farm owners, massive corporate
land grabs and billion$ in federal bail-outs? And here we are
with Derpinator Donny
setting up to wreak
economic havoc on
all of America... and at
a scale dwarfing the li'l
slap on the tush he gave
middle America last time around. I mean... it's not
every person who
can learn from the
mistakes of others but
it takes a special kind of
stupid not to learn from your own