Imgflip theories; Moonman and Annatar are the same person; Emosnake is an immortal demigod from ancient mythology; msmg is the only stream with activity because that's where Imgflip put most of the A.I. bots; The Fun stream doesn't actually exist as there is no stream specifically for it and it;s the default place memes go when they enter the void; Spire is an AI; Elon Musk owns Imgflip; Modda is addicted to Imgflip and unable to differentiate between the internet and reality (maybe); Cinna never existed and we all have false memories abt them; Andrew Finlayson is the ancient entity of memez known today as God-Emperor of Imgflip CommunityModerator; Memeus is actually clinically insane and is currently posting from an psych ward