Listening to conservatives talk is actually hilarious because they never come up with valid arguments and instead insult the other side rather than trying to have a productive conversation. (Just in the last month of joining imgflip, I've seen hundreds of posts where liberals are referred to as c*cks, libt*rds, f*gg*ts, r*tards, and whatever else their smooth brains can think of.)
For reference, I'm 17 and get bullied for having an opinion on how our country should be run. I don't even vote yet, so I think getting a worldview is important before my opinion matters. I originally made an imgflip account to debate political views, but it always ends up as an insult war.
Also, my parents are conservative, I go to an LCMS-based school, my parents take me to church each week, and I live in a red state. Despite this, I am liberal, atheist, and bisexual. This just proves that schools don't force people to have a certain political view, people come up with their own political views. It gets annoying listening to conservatives say, "Public schools are making our kids gay" or "Public schools are turning our kids liberal" It's quite laughable considering, I am the "stereotypical public school brainwashed kid" when I've had almost opposite schooling.
This was more of a rant than a comment relating to the meme.