months ago, my brother gave me an old smartphone of his so I could be connected to our band and to the world and access school resources outside of school, like part recordings and contacts with teachers. My mother has refused to give me school contacts to people like my drum line instructor, even when others provided these resources explicitly to access and contact instructors for band.
I would access a multitude of apps. I would talk to my best friends over Discord, make memes on Imgflip, be a menace on Tumblr and play CODM to no end. I made sure however to maintain that my files and search history would clean; therefore I wouldn't view pornography, so at the very least the day I got caught, I could say that, as my mother is one who despises the whole concept.
today, I was told by my mother she was going to bed. I let my guard down, because, she told me she didn't want any sort of human contact. I told her after she told me this, okay, I'm going to my room. I'm going to say goodnight once, first. maybe a half hour later, I decide to watch some YT shorts. I need to note that I have a PSP that Im not allowed to take into my room, which I also happened to do. So when I stuff something under my blanket, panicked, my mother says, firmly, "*give me the PSP.*" I thought frantically, like, "shit, shit, shit, shit" and finally closed my eyes, ripped it out from under my comforter, put it in sleep and threw it to her.
She went through it. That's about it. She took my Xbox 360 (reasonably) and my PSP (also reasonably) but also was debating taking my Alexa (that's my alarm clock, chill).
I decided to reveal many of my ongoing problems and secrets to her. While I'm still convinced she lapped them up like a dog, she tried to provide help and advice.
When I went to bed I realized Im kind of a fiend for an Internet connection and I could hardly sleep. Oh well. Maybe, because I did something f**king right for the first time, I can earn it properly eventually.
One more note: I'm not a snitch. WHen my mom caught me with my brother's phone, I told her I stole it from him and he didn't happen to realize. He's too good of a person to be ratted out for trying to help me.