S.H.A.M.E. is a Sorrowful Half-Ape Miniscule Existence. It is the loss of Grace. Grace was bestowed upon us, freely. We we given freedom to choose if we would keep it. Even if all the poison was removed, there remains a shadow of ill-will that flows from the skin of greed. The phantom ill-wills us into S.H.A.M.E. so as to corrupt our freedom of choice, our free will. This is a deeply engrained concept upon our subconscious. We are made multidimensional creatures of light. That is the image we are made in: yet we don't know what that means because we have forgotten the difference between Spirit and Soul. We have forgotten the dimensions. We have put our marked palms upon our ears; trying to silence our subconscious so that our marked minds are not pained. Freely choosing to dull the conscious awareness of the pain does not make the poison go away.