Prison for CRIMINALS. I don’t care what Bull$hit excuse you use for doing your crimes. Are you one of those moral relativism jokers? Maybe one of the soup-throwing moral relativism criminals.
Dinging red states for SAT scores… is that supposed to mean that Republicans are the problem? I don’t even care about red/blue SAT score differences (if that is even true). The whole education system in America is mucked up because it’s captured by LEFTISTS & Woke DEM Teachers (& Unions), & DEI Administrators.
What are BLUE states famous for? Um… rampant CRIME; not prosecuting criminals; sanctuary for illegal invaders, & baby killing; businesses fleeing to red states for safety and lower taxes. I could go on.
Back to the CLIMATE. Wanna learn why climate “activists” are just PUPPETS of the Globalists & elite Leftists, & their efforts are completely useless? If you’re serious about “climate change,” you need to learn TWO THINGS:
1). There ARE changes in the climate & quality of air water soil flora fauna BECAUSE OF PEOPLE. But it ain’t SUV’s, fossil fuels, & Electric Gen Stations. Find out about WEAPONIZED WEATHER:
2). The PUPPET ACTIVISTS are being PLAYED by Globalists. The elite are gaming you, MANIPULATING YOU to do what THEY want done, FOR THEM. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH BENEFITTING THE PLANET, or the PEOPLE. It’s ONLY about benefiting THEM, at OUR EXPENSE. They seek more POWER MONEY CONTROL. ALSO, They want to take away OUR FREEDOMS & LIBERTY. Part of Their CONTROL.
Figure that out, & you can channel your energies in the right direction.